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button "WELCOME TO BRAZIL!!!" button "site always under construction" button "not mobile friendly" button "this site was rushed" button "this site is not intended for children" button "completely hand-coded!" button "absolutely no cookies! (and very few biscuits)" button "made with cascading style sheets" button "made with a crippling caffeine dependency" button "neocities" button "proudly zero javascript" button "you´re telling me a queer coded this" button "powered by a mouse in a wheel"


UTC-3 ★

brazilian ★

eng/pt-br/esp ★

August 10th ★

he/she ★

picrew portrait

Welcome, traveler!

My name is Broto (pronounced bro·to |ô|) and I'm an older brazilian zoomer brazilian that decided it was a good idea to learn html out of nowhere and make a website.

I have a vocational degree in visual communication and I currently work with video editing.

I'm a journal-writer, crocheter, film enthusiast, Vtuber, artist, gamer, plant dad, design lover, book enjoyer and now I also write and take care of this domain.

Feel free to explore but be careful where you step!

You can also take a map.

youtube icon Stream vods*, music and video playlists twitter icon Stream schedule, random acts of art, vtuber support and random thoughts* twitch icon Game and chatting streams*

steam icon Add me on Steam! email icon Email me :3

*Also paused until I come back from break

This website was coded on firefox on a 1920x1080 screen, is JS free and a little dumb.
Work in progress. Last updated on 16 of august of 2024